My Care & Certifications
“Just as there is a physiologic design of Birth, there is a physiologic design of the Postpartum Period.”
By right, the Postpartum Period should be beautiful and nourishing. While there are the occasions of abnormal, mostly the abnormal variations are an expression of the environment of the Mother and not of the Mother herself.
Below you can find an extensive summary of my Postpartum Care. At the bottom you will also find my postpartum-specific qualifications.
Please let me know if you have questions or comments about the information below.
Anyone holding a baby knows how powerful the surge of oxytocin is. Oxytocin is not only a powerful bonding hormone; it is also an incredible medicine that helps and speeds up healing. Therefore I will always build my care around mama holding the baby, unless her immediate needs require another person to hold baby.
If you already are in bed as much as you can, especially if you are doing skin-to-skin with baby, I can help you have a little free time while you take a few minutes of alone time for reflection and integration, or one-on-one time with older sibling(s) of baby.
If you have trouble resting sufficiently or spending time skin-to-skin with baby, I can help you have time with baby, with your feet up, while I help you with what is keeping you from doing that without my presence. (Light house work and dog/child care.)
I can help you find additional support. My starting point will be your own circle of friends and family that you feel comfortable with having in your postpartum cocoon or as outside support. If that is not sufficient or available, I have professional connections in town providing postpartum support.
I can help you with diapering your baby (and help you figure out the best way to put those teeny tiny diapers on those teeny tiny newborn bums), and have successful experience with Elimination Communication (‘diaper free’).
“If the adult is centered and relaxed in connection with the baby, in rhythm with the baby—diaper changing, feeding—that baby will be in the conversation, in the act of doing it together rather than somebody doing it to them.” - Ray Castellino
I can help you clothe your baby, and help you figure out how much your baby prefers to wear (not all of them need the ‘1 more layer than mama’ - both my May and November baby wanted 1 layer less than me).
Both my sons were breastfeed over age 3 and I can help you with the joys and challenges that come with the breastfeeding journey.
An often overlooked roadblock to breastfeeding success is not only mama’s needs to integrate the birth, but also baby’s needs for integration. In other words, whether its mama or baby; let those tears flow while feeling seen/heard and validated! I can help out with this, as it can be stressful for new parents to listen to their new baby’s expression of their birth journey perspective.
While I look back on my breastfeeding journeys as generally easeful, I’ve definitely had to navigate painful situations from engorgement to bad latch bruising my nipples (and toddlers biting - ouch!).
If needed, I can help you find additional lactation support.
I am a huge supporter of baby-wearing and bed-sharing/co-sleeping - for the wellness of both mama and baby/infant/child - and can help you establish your own best, safe version of these practises.
Babies with symptoms that Western Medicine often (too) quickly pathologises, like tongue/lip ties or the ‘colicky baby’, are simply a symptom of a body that’s out of alignment. These babies often do incredibly well after receiving (Biodynamic) Craniosacral therapy, Osteopathy, Chiropractic or Massage Therapy. This helps avoid the lifelong consequences of scar tissue in the mouth pulling the fascia in the rest of the body, for example.
I have personal experience with this for our oldest son, who was unable to lie comfortably in his car seat or on the change table (he screamed instead for every diaper change and car ride), and completely changed after 5 Craniosacral treatments. If this interests you, I can find a practitioner in town that suits your situation.
My care packages include a bath with herbs and salts to help your body and in particular your vulva, perineum and anus in their healing.
I can share practices for scar tissue remediation and healing, from the first day.
My care packages introduce you to practices you can do on your own like breast massage, Abhyanga massage, and (yoni) steaming (once appropriate).
These practices are not complicated, can take as little as a few minutes, and simultaneously provide much comfort. I still use these practices on a regular basis.
Breast massage can help alleviate painful or uncomfortable sensations that often occur especially in the early weeks postpartum. We’ll work on the deeper layers of the muscles, as well as the superficial lymph system. I’ve also been taught a few pressure points in the TCM tradition that I find incredibly helpful.
I can refer you to pelvic floor and massage therapists, if needed for further or more extensive body work.
I can help you understand how warmth is an integral part in your physical healing after birth, and how to best set yourself up for this without my help.
I can help cook in your house if needed, or explain what foods to increase or avoid during your immediate postpartum time.
My understanding and practices of nutrition are based on traditional diets with an understanding of geographic specifics, informed by the studies of Weston A. Price, Dr. Catherine Shanahan, the GAPS protocol by Dr. Campbell-McBride.
The INNATE Traditions postpartum care provider certification involved in-depth training in this nutritional style. Follow this link for their beautiful, in-depth FREE masterclass: https://www.innatetraditions.com/free-class-Motherfoods.
Considering this traditional understanding of nutrition, I cannot support a vegan or keto diet for the postpartum mother and family.
In addition, I consider the vegetarian diet too nutritionally limiting especially for postpartum women and young children for the latitude we are at in Squamish, however I can make this work by adding a large amount of animal fats.
Please note if your ancestors were located near the equator where vegetarian meals are appropriate (although not the same as what we call vegetarian here…), I still don’t recommend it here in the Pacific Northwest, since our food is informing us of our environment. You need the animal meats for example with the lack of direct sunlight half the year.
I can help you see how the steps towards health and care you take in the early postpartum (or any time) will help you thrive long-term, not just survive the first few weeks after birth.
“We learn how our physiologic and psychologic design as women, mandates essential care in the postpartum time—and how this care profoundly contributes to our life-long health and vitality as women.”
A big part of the INNATE Traditions training is learning and practicing how witnessing of and by others is medicine for our collective evolution.
My strength is personally traversing my way through hard, deep moments and transitions, and ending back at a deep sense of Trust and being Held.
The sooner as a mother you learn and master the skill of asking for help to lean on others, the easier your journey of motherhood will be. We were never meant to do this alone - traditionally we had on average 3-4 responsible people per child caring for them. I will help you ask and accept help from family and friends, however that best supports you and your family.
The new dynamics going from a couple to being a family with parental responsibilities, and again when adding more children to your growing family, brings change in your romantic relationship. You will rediscover each other over the next few months, including the intimate part of your relationship. Relationships with your own parents (and in-law parents) will also change. While it is amazing to watch your (in-law) parents in a whole new light, some of these changes can be perceived as unpleasant. Other relationships, including close friendships will likely also undergo changes. I can help you navigate these transitions, if needed with a solution-oriented approach.
Birth is a physiologically normal process, yet in our modern society often birth ends up in ways we had not anticipated. This can bring immense grief, anger, frustration, guilt or shame, and sadness, amongst the joy and bliss of welcoming a new love of your life. These feelings are all valid, and I can help you navigate this if need be. .
Sometimes we just need to be witnessed, or hear that what we are going through is normal and that we are not alone. However, I have personal experience with some lovely counselors in town that I could help you connect with, if that seems desired or appropriate.
Closing of the Bones:
Birth and the immediate postpartum is a Rite of Passage for the woman. The cross-cultural tradition of Closing of the Bones is an integral part in making a tangible and beautiful end to this particular passage, whether it is from Maiden to Mother, or rebirthing the Mother with each consecutive birth.
My 2022 class learned this practice through our teacher, Rachelle Garcia Seliga of INNATE Traditions, who practiced traditional midwifery in Mexico for years before she created INNATE Postpartum Care. The lineage of this tradition is through her mother-in-law, Clara Alfaro Peña.
While Closing of the Bones isn’t only for postpartum mothers, it is a wonderful practice for this time in life. It helps the mother complete the rite of passage and helps integrate her experience, emphasize her newfound wisdom, and solidify her new role both physiologically and psychologically.
Typically Closing of the Bones for Mothers is done around 6 weeks postpartum.
Mother needs to be hands-free so a small gathering of loved ones to hold baby and witness Mother is highly recommended. I can help you get this set up. If this isn’t an option, we will make it work between the 2 of us, or you can hire an additional doula for support (I have a lovely connection).
My certifications and trainings:
I am a certified INNATE Traditions Postpartum Care Provider after taking their nine-month holistic training on postpartum physiology and psychology (2022-23), followed by a nine-month certification process.
In 2015 Innate Traditions originated Physiologic Postpartum Care, as “The world's postpartum traditions are virtually identical, because they are rooted in the physiologic needs of postpartum Mothers.” Just as there is a physiologic design of Birth, there is a physiologic design of the Postpartum Period. From this understanding INNATE Postpartum Care Training was created.
The postpartum design is founded on the 5 Cross-Cultural Prescriptions for postpartum wellness; Rest, Warmth, Warm & Easy to Digest Foods, Body Work and Community.
This training is for mother-centred care, as baby’s nervous system and mama’s nervous system are connected in especially the immediate postpartum weeks, and up to the first 3 years of the child’s life. “Women are the heart, the foundation of the people. Supporting Mothers supports healthy and empowered families, which supports thriving communities, which supports all of humanity.” - Innate Traditions
The INNATE Traditions training includes a substantial part on co-counseling, witnessing, and holding space.
I am trained in Birth Debrief via Pam England’s Birth Story Medicine format, a 3-month 3-part course (2023). This offers me a proven framework for any challenges you would prefer to approach with more ease and spaciousness.
The Birth Story Medicine® process was created more than 30 years ago by a former midwife, childbirth educator and best-selling author, Pam England and she began teaching it to others about 20 years ago, with the process evolving ever since. Thousands of people have felt the life-changing impact of Birth Story Medicine®, including myself.
My first training in holding space was through the Houses of Healing program (The Lionheart Foundation, 2015), the Path of Freedom (Prison Mindfulness Institute, 2016) program.
I became a Reiki Master in the Usui lineage in 2016.
I’ve completed an introductory course in pre- and perinatal psychology (Attuning to Our Core Essence - Foundational Teachings from Ray Castellino, 2022).
I also completed the month-long somatic workshop ‘Activate Your Inner Jaguar: Movement, Meditation and The Female Body’ (Kimberly Ann Johnson, May 2024), adding many components to holding space for myself and others.
I have been practicing meditation and (pro)active inner work since 2011, with most of my work with Master Dhyan Vimal.
I have been held space for in my own journey (on and off) by psychologists and counselors, including somatic experiencing, since my early teens.
As a result of my certifications, personal studies and my lived experience, I understand the basics of what is physiologically and psychologically appropriate in your postpartum experience, and I can support you in navigating this.
Where the scope of my practice or my availability ends, I have professional resources to refer you to.