Single Nourishment Visit
You’ve given birth to your baby, and whether it was your dream birth scenario or not, you find yourself at home wondering “How will I ever get anything done again?!” How can such a little human, who does nothing but eat, sleep and poop, take up so much of your time and energy? All you can do is feed, burp and change the baby, yet the laundry, meals and more are waiting.
By design, Birth is incredibly taxing on a Woman’s health. She’s built a baby inside her body, made an organ, the placenta, from scratch, does the most incredible human feat called birth, and then while recovering feeds her baby’s body from her own body.
In our modern world, birth nowadays is often associated with trauma, whether physical, emotional or both. Some of this is appropriate. There is the physiologically appropriate wound of where the placenta was attached, requiring at least 6 weeks to heal. There is also the physiologically appropriate 18 months (at the very least) to heal the pelvic diaphragm after carrying a baby for 36-44 weeks. In addition to that, a woman may tear or receive an episiotomy. The forces of a vacuum or forceps applied during birth have consequences for the mother’s body. A Caesarian, whether elected or due to emergency reasons, is major abdominal surgery impacting the skin, fascia, muscles, and organ tissue. The birth may not have gone as hoped for or planned, or the intensity of the sensations were much more intense than realized in advance. The people you had hoped to lean on were unavailable, whether physically or emotionally. And I could go on…
Traditionally, this is why the Early Postpartum was a time where the Mother and Baby nested & rested together, while other trusted family members took care of all other things including caring for the New Mother.
Cross-culturally the 5 Essentials to Postpartum Healing are The Four Pillars of Rest, Warmth, Easy to Digest Meals, and Body Care built on top of the Foundation of Community. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, if following the 5 Essentials to Postpartum Healing, the Early Postpartum is considered one of the Three Golden Opportunities to not only manage but increase the health of a woman. (Alongside with Menarche, the woman’s first moon time, and Menopause.)
The three least understood and most under-supported Essentials of Postpartum Care in our Western Culture: Rest, Warmth and Body Care. Enjoy these essentials in the comfort of your home.
The Single Nourishment Visit is most beneficial for Mothers in the Early Postpartum. However, any Mother could at any point receive extra support! Don’t hesitate to book this even if you are Forty Years postpartum, and not Forty Days. This package is great for ALL mothers who are sleep deprived, have lost a basic self care practice, or whose nervous system is in need of co-regulation. (Or all of the above, we’ve all been there.)
What is covered in your 3-hour in-home visit:
Setting you up in your home for Rest & Warmth with baby
Body Care option - choose (1 per visit) from:
herbal and salt bath
learning about self-massage and breast massage
Reiki treatment
herbal and salt yoni steam
castor oil pack
√ Includes supplies where applicable like warming oils, epsom bath salts and herbal blends
Tea or Broth, and a homemade, nutrient dense snack (choose from menu)
Light housework and care (dishes, laundry, tidying, sweeping/vacuuming, walk the dog, do activities with the older kids, etc.)
All of my wisdom and acquired knowledge on the physiology and psychology of postpartum care and baby care.
Breastfeeding support
Elimination Communication or diapering support
Dietary needs for mother
Relationship shifts
Womb and breast care
Scar tissue support
Voicing needs
Setting up additional help (meal train, dog walker, child minder etc)
And more
The Menu
Pick one Broth, one Tea and one Snack
Chicken broth with French Herbs
Beef broth with Pho Spices
Oxtail broth with warming spices like Ginger
While many of my vegetarian relations switched to meat during pregnancy and early postpartum, let me know if you’d like a vegetarian option.
Red ‘Jujube’ Date, Goji Berry, mixed with ‘Blue Eyes’ herbal tea from local Lucas Teas with Ghee
Herbal Home Made Chai Tea with, Maple Syrup, Milk and Ghee
Gluten Free Brownies
Apple Pie Bars
“Boterkoek” (butter cake, traditional Dutch nutrient dense treat)
$100 deposit due upon booking, full payment due 1 week prior to booked date
Suggested add-Ons:
√ Add virtual support (responses within 24 hours)
√ Upgrade to the Multi-visit Postpartum Care Package, including the Virtual Support Package and 5 additional Single Nourishment Visits.
√ Book a 1-on-1 Birth Debrief