Birth Debrief Circle
Monthly group setting
Every Second Sunday of the month (except long weekends - when it is held on the first Sunday)
10am-1pm setting the quorum, sharing information and practices, listening to a story, and community building
$40 per person (will not be turned away for lack of funds)
Every childbirth is a Rite of Passage.
Every birth story is a treasure chest full of transformation, metamorphosis, learnings, and wisdom.
Every mother deserves her community for support in integrating the birth journey.
This circle is a space for those who are seeking community to openly debrief or share, and have space held for their story of a physiological birth turned complex.
I first off set up a safe space, by sharing our responsibilities and key components to holding space for difficulty.
During the circle I often share on a topic that applies to birth and their stories, including information and practices.
This is followed by one woman who will either tell her birth story and the empowerment journey that followed, or I will guide her through The Birth Story Listening® debrief protocol.
Afterwards there is time for sharing perspectives and insights, if so desired. This is about women coming together, witnessing each other’s stories and reflecting each other’s strengths.
What others say:
“Wow, thank you Rosie! My experience of the birth circle was profound and insightful, (similar to the 1:1 birth story sharing). I felt open and safe to connect and allow insights to emerge. You have a gift in creating and holding space for magic and discovery to happen! With gratitude and inspiration, I look forward to your next circle.”
“I attended this amazing, transformative, healing, safe, eye-opening (insert many more things) community facilitated by Rosie this past Sunday. This was a birth circle for births that turned medical. And if you know anything about my experience, it did not go as planned…. Not even close. So I have entered the space to begin the healing for me and baby, and this is how I’ll get there.”
“Thank you for holding such beautiful space, sharing your story, and ushering in a new network of connection and healing for postpartum women in Squamish. Mothers can feel broken on so many levels after a birth that didn’t go as they desired. Circles like Rosie’s help to put the pieces back together. These circles carry the potential to shift a community’s culture around birth and postpartum. When women get together and talk from the heart it’s profoundly powerful.”
“Thank you Rosie! You have a such a gift in holding space and in particular this space.”
To RSVP for the next Birth Circle, please
Email me at Rosie@snowy-mountain.com
Call or Text me at 778-266-0204