Birth Debrief

One on One sessions

Every childbirth is a Rite of Passage. It is therefore a time of transformation, and an initiation.

In our modern ways we don’t hold space for this initiation to unfold in the Mother, and even the most easeful births can leave Mothers feeling lost in the Rite. In addition, many births don’t unfold the way it was hoped for or anticipated, leaving many Mothers, Fathers, Partners, Birth Professionals and Witnesses with conflicting feelings, disappointments and resentments.

Anyone and everyone can listen to a birth story. However, if you are looking for insights, closure and the restoration of peace of mind with an emotionally-charged and/or traumatic birth story; the Birth Story Medicine® process will find the hidden healing within your story.

The Birth Story Medicine® process was created more than 30 years ago by a former midwife, childbirth educator and best-selling author, Pam England and she began teaching it to others about 20 years ago, with the process evolving ever since.  Thousands of people have felt the life-changing impact of Birth Story Medicine®, including myself.

A Birth Story Listening session is for a mother, father, partner, birth professional or witness. At the start of a session, I’ll ask you for a brief overview so I get a sense of what happened in general. Then (with  guidance) we look at what most shapes how you are feeling about your birth now. I’ll be paying attention to the story you are telling about what happened, and most importantly, what it means to you and about you. Through different steps, we eventually recover your peace of mind and self-compassion, and a sense of ease will be brought forward.

Birth Story Medicine® is also for those looking to find deeper transformation, metamorphosis, learnings, and wisdom, regardless if the birth felt traumatic, empowering or somewhere in between. We follow the exact same guided process.

How do you know if your Birth has areas that can benefit from a Birth Story Listening Session? If something feels unresolved, it feels like there is more depth that hasn’t been accessed, or if you have thoughts such as, "What if?”, “If only...", "I should have…”, or “They should have …".

Birth Story Listening is a one-time 60-90 minute session done virtually or in-person.

Please note, this is not therapy or counselling, as I have no such qualifications.

What others say:

“I left my session with Rosie with a new understanding of myself and my experience birthing my daughter that felt fresh and empowering. I was able to let go of a lot of shame and embarrassment that I hadn’t even realized I had been carrying around. It was truly amazing! I can now speak and reflect on my birth with so much more clarity, and a pride in myself that is life-changing. I’ve found that the way I regard birth in general has changed positively. I no longer believe that a birth experience needs to be easy or “perfect” to be life-affirming and beautiful. I’ve told my friends that birth story medicine is magic. Thank you, Rosie.“

“The birth story listening session was very personal and warm. It felt like a conversation between friends, rather than a 'therapeutic session'. I came in not really knowing how it would go, yet it all felt right throughout - a flow to the process. At the end I came out with new insights that changed my perspective on one aspect of the birth I hadn't yet fully been able to let go of. After the session, new narratives and insights came as well that I was able to see more clearly for what they were. I would highly recommend it to anyone that still has lingering bits about their birth!”

Book your session now!

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Call or Text me at 778-266-0204