Newborn 101

The common theme out in the world is that newborns, babies and children are making life complicated. They require scripts and tricks, and a wealth of knowledge, especially in order to survive the newborn phase and even the first 3 years.

  • What if I told you that this isn’t actually the case?

  • What if I told you that if you understand the physiological design, it all makes sense, resulting in a felt sense of ease even in difficulty?

  • What if I told you that the traditional, cross-cultural ways of caring for mothers and newborns supported this physiological design?

  • What if I told you that modern science is backing up these traditional ways that go back thousands of years?

  • What if I told you, that once you understand the design of Mother Nature, that you will rely much less on outside sources of expertise, and instead can trust your own innate knowing?

This 6-part course gives you the foundation of this physiological design, leans on proven traditional practices, and has science to back it up. This information results in parents trusting themselves, their newborns, and how the parenting journey is unfolding. Once you understand it, no scripts, tricks and knowledge is needed, just a return to the physiology to understand or resolve any new situations.

Class Curriculum:

  1. Basic Foundation

  2. Newborn Needs

  3. Mother Needs

  4. Parenting 101

  5. Family and Community

  6. Health and Immunity

Some of the topics:

  • Autonomic Nervous System

  • Breast and Bottle Feeding

  • Sleep, Crying, Babywearing

  • Fourth Trimester care

  • Overwhelm, Repair, Reparenting

  • Boundaries, Intuiton & Trust

  • Sick Day Tool Kit, and more…

What does it look like:

  • 6 live Zoom classes

  • Each class is 2 hours long

  • Information sharing + Q&A

  • Each class has a list of resources for further studying, if desired

  • All classes are live, so that there is space in each class for dialogue; questions & answers

  • The class recordings are available for a limited time (until Sunday evenings) for optimal participation and privacy.

  • Three weekly Q&As in addition to classes, to support especially those that cannot attend live.

  • Join a private Facebook group - where you can be resourced by both myself and other course participants.


  • CAD $297 ($50 off) early bird price until March 16, 2025

  • CAD $347 per couple March 17, 2025 onwards

  • Registration closes Wednesday March 26, 2025 (midnight 12AM PST).

  • No refunds once classes start

  • Min 4 & max 10 registrations

About me

My name is Rosie, I live in Squamish, BC and:

I am a Mother of 2 Boys (2017 and 2020), the reason for me finding out about and applying this Physiologic Newborn Design.

I am a Certified INNATE postpartum care provider, specializing in the Fourth Trimester.

You can find more about me on my ABOUT ME page.

Contact me if you have any questions or hesitations about whether this is right for your family.

This class is live via Zoom.

A private Facebook group can be accessed - once fully registered - for Q&A outside of the classes, and for building community amongst the students.

The next dates are:

  • Monday 31 March

  • Tuesday 1 April

  • Monday 2 April

  • Tuesday 3 April

  • Monday 7 April

  • Tuesday 8 April

Weekly classes

10am-12pm PST

Weekly Q&A

Fridays 8.30-10pm PST

April 4, 11 and 18

Please email me to be added to the waitlist for next time, if theses dates don’t work out for you, or if I am sold out.

Having affiliates is an incredibly important business tool for me. Not only because it helps me generate business, but also because I strongly believe in building a sustainable community of entrepreneurs with aligned values. We do this by helping each other out.

If you learned about Newborn 101 through Sea to Sky Baby’s courses or social media, it is really important that you let me know, so this company can be paid for their marketing efforts. I’ve put a special dropdown menu in my registration form for this purpose.

If you’ve already booked through me, but learned about Newborn 101 through an affiliate, please still let me know. This way I can honour right relationship through ethical business and reciprocity practices by paying them their affiliate fee.

(The course price is the same to you, however you book it.)