Multi-Visit Postpartum Care

Traditionally, the Postpartum time was incredibly nourishing by design, to not only help Mother recover but also thrive after the immediate Postpartum. Mothers were supported by their intimate, nurturing community 24/7 to receive the care they needed to rest, be warm, receive warming and nutrient-dense foods, help their bodies recover with body work modalities, to be nourished both on the outside and inside.

What many may not know, is that taking care of the Mother and therefore baby at this time, is a future investment in her health, and therefore the health of her family and community. In TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) this is well known and postpartum is considered one of the Three Golden Opportunities for a woman’s health to improve.

In TCM, there are 3 Golden Opportunities for Women to INCREASE their health: the first moon time, the first forty days postpartum time after each pregnancy (birth, miscarriage and abortion), and once more during their peri-menopause.

Mothers don’t receive the care their physiology and psyche need, even though they just accomplished human’s most epic feat! My spouse and I thought we were so ready for the first few weeks after birth. My spouse was going to be home for probably the full First Forty Days. We had friends committed to bring a meal here and there and a freezer full of meals. What else do you need? Then somehow it all felt so overwhelmingly too much. This I hear all the time. This is where postpartum care comes in. This doesn’t get spoken about enough, which is why most of my clientele are not first-time families.

Without adequate Rest, Warmth and Body Care, and the Community Support to help you accomplish this, Mother may find herself anxious, exhausted and dysregulated. This can manifest into perinatal mood disorders like Postpartum Depression, Anxiety or rage. All of this is avoidable AND reversible with appropriate care and community.

Please note, by no means do I hold a Mother responsible for her perinatal mood disorder - it is a reflection of the society we live in. However, I can help a Mother protect herself against this with care including finding support (I am only 1 person).

All families with a newborn deserve and require nourishing care. All women are eligible for this package, and especially the first 6 weeks after birth would benefit from this package, yet I will not think anything of it if you book this 40 years postpartum!

Becoming a Mother is a huge physiological and psychological change

  • When Mothers are pregnant and breastfeeding, they are literally building the child’s body from their own.

  • During pregnancy, the body’s blood and fluid volume nearly doubles, plus the body grows the placenta from scratch.

  • After birth there is a wound the size of a dinner plate where the placenta detaches, that takes at least 6 weeks to heal.

    • These days many women have additional wounds from tearing, episiotomy and c-section.

  • Of all the surgeries, a c-section is the most intense: the incision goes through the skin, fascia, muscles and an organ! All these layers need repair and healing. It is major abdominal surgery.

  • After birth the body has the biggest hormonal shift a human ever will have.

  • After birth dietary needs switch going from pregnancy to postpartum.

  • Breastfeeding is often a completely new skill. Often it wasn’t part of our daily life, and even as we were babies our Grandmothers were often convinced to switch to formula right away.

  • The body has stretched out in many places and relocated organs over many months, and needs adequate time to reverse this.

    • Following a physiologically normal pregnancy and birth, the pelvic diaphragm needs at least 18 months to heal completely. Even with a vaginal birth, in our culture most Mothers will need more time. Even with a planned C-section, you need at least 18 months to heal your pelvic diaphragm. This is why in France, each women receives 10 pelvic (hands on and hands in) treatments.

    • Our brain has changed while pregnant, growing the reptilian part while shrinking the prefrontal cortex, and it takes 7 years to reverse to pre-pregnancy. (I see a big change personally around 3 years postpartum). It is by design, to help you be better in tune with your young child. There is a significance to a child age 7 and up.

  • For weeks you release the excess blood and fluid.

    • Day 2 postpartum urine amount can be insane, especially if you had an epidural.

    • Fluid loss from breastfeeding is the equivalent to blood loss of the same volume.

  • Movement needs are very different in the First Forty Days compared to any other time during a woman’s life.

  • Stay at home care of children is more stressful (in cortisol count) compared to 98% of professions. Learning many new skills as a new Mother adds to this. Even if this isn’t your first child, the new family dynamics require your resources and you are stretched in all directions.

  • Medical errors and traumas during the labour and birthing part can require additional care needs.

The good news is, with this package I can help you with the Rest, Warmth and Body Care that day, with suggestions on how you (ideally your intimate community) can continue this.

What is included in the 1 prenatal and 6 postpartum visits

One pre-natal visit (bonus visit of 60-90 minutes):

  • Getting to know each other, and together we visualize the postpartum time at your home.

  • Setting you up for an easeful, healing and nourishing postpartum by sharing wisdom and local resources.

  • PDF on the 5 cross-cultural postpartum care pillars of Rest, Warmth, Warm & Easy to Digest Foods, Body Work and Community.

First 5 postpartum visits:

  • Setting you up in your home for Rest & Warmth with baby

  • Body Care option - choose (1 per visit) from:

    • herbal and salt bath

    • learning about self-massage and breast massage

    • Reiki treatment

    • herbal and salt yoni steam

    • castor oil pack

    • Moxabustion

√ Includes supplies where applicable like warming oils, epsom bath salts and herbal blends

  • Broth, Tea and a homemade, nutrient dense snack each visit (choose from menu)

  • Light housework and care (dishes, laundry, tidying, sweeping/vacuuming, walk the dog, do activities with the older kids, etc.)

  • Grocery pick up (pre-paid by you) on my way to your home

  • Meal prep using ingredients in your home

  • All of my wisdom and acquired knowledge on the physiology and psychology of postpartum care and baby care.

    • Breastfeeding support

    • Elimination Communication or diapering support

    • Dietary needs for mother

    • Relationship shifts

    • Womb and breast care

    • Scar tissue support

    • Voicing needs

    • Setting up additional help (meal train, dog walker, child minder etc)

    • And more

  • Virtual Support (responses within 24 hours)

    • Integration of the 5 Traditional Postpartum Pillars Rest, Warmth, Body Care, Nourishment and Community Support

    • A safe space to be seen, heard, and emotionally acknowledged for anything Postpartum or Motherhood related

    • Nervous system regulation practices

    • Partner support

    • Physiological Baby Care

    • Resource recommendations (podcasts, books, wellness practitioners, etc)

    • And more

Last postpartum visit, a Ritual & Ceremonial integration:

  • Birth Debrief & Grounding

  • Birth Energy Meditation (inspired by Tami Lynn Kent)

  • Closing of the Bones with Reiki

  • Pre-made Broth & fresh ingredient Tea plus snack (see menu for options)

Virtual Support Package

Text, WhatsApp, Telegram or Email support (responses within 24 hours)

  • Integration of the 5 Traditional Postpartum Pillars Rest, Warmth, Body Care, Nourishment and Community Support in your life

  • A safe space to be seen, heard, and emotionally acknowledged for anything Postpartum or Motherhood related

  • Nervous system regulation and mindfulness practices

  • Partner support

  • Physiological Baby Care

  • Resource recommendations (podcasts, books, wellness practitioners, etc)

  • And more

The Menu

Pick one Broth, one Tea and one Snack per postpartum visit

  • Chicken broth with French Herbs

  • Beef broth with Pho Spices

  • Oxtail broth with warming spices like Ginger

  • While many of my vegetarian relations switched to meat during pregnancy and early postpartum, let me know if you’d like a vegetarian option.


  • Red ‘Jujube’ Date, Goji Berry, mixed with ‘Blue Eyes’ herbal tea from local Lucas Teas with Ghee

  • Herbal Home Made Chai Tea with, Maple Syrup, Milk and Ghee


  • Gluten Free Brownies

  • Apple Pie Bars

  • “Boterkoek” (butter cake, traditional Dutch nutrient dense treat)



$297 deposit due upon booking, additional $500 due 6 weeks prior to baby’s due date, & full payment due 1 week prior to baby’s date

Suggested Add-Ons

√ Follow up Single Nourishment Visits to transition out of the Early Postpartum with a Newborn and into daily life with an Infant

√ Additional Virtual Support (responses within 24 hours), now that the First Forty Days are over and most people will check in less with you.